Over the past few weeks, we have been slowly introducing recently rescued elephant Alicia to another rescued ele, Malai Ngun. They have exploring and having lots of fun in the new Project 4 area here at the WFFT Elephant Refuge. Malai Ngun follows Alicia everywhere, waking through the grasslands, grazing in the wetland areas, exploring the forest, and even bathing together in the large lake. Alicia’s confident, sassy personality shines through, we are hopeful that these old girl will will become firm friends.
Project 4 is a new 20-hectare piece of land. We hope to create the biggest elephant enclosure of the region. This will allow to save and help more elephants. In order to keep this project running and to build a secure elephant fence, we still need to raise more funds. Help us create a wonderful safe environment where ex-tourist camp elephants can once again have some freedom, in a captive habitat which is as close to nature as possible. Please see the campaign here www.generosity.com/animal-pet-fundraising/a-christmas-wish-spectacular-new-land
Alicia’s rescue story www.thaielephantrefuge.org/alicia-regains-freedom/
Malai Ngun’s rescue story www.thaielephantrefuge.org/elderly-elephant-arrives-at-wfft/
Thank you those that have already supported WFFT’s biggest project yet.